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15 reports about 800-323-5441

Received a phone call from 800-323-5441? Report here
Eugene G. Hirtle Jr 21st Jul, 2011+0
they called my number and didn't leave a msg. I applied to possible jobs on craigslist under admin and have received rediculous emails asking for credit checks before they interview me. I'm sure that's where this number got my number. I'm so happy they now have my name, email, address and phone number from resumes I sent! Scarey!
Doesn't Matter 18th Jul, 2011+0
This idiot keeps calling over and over and over and WILL NOT SAY A WORD........ HUNT THEM DOWN PLEASE
cell phone owner 16th Jul, 2011+0
calls ask me then hangs up
Judy 14th Jul, 2011+0
rings and no one there. happens about 2 - 3 times a week
AT&Tee 14th Jul, 2011+0
I just contacted Chase Bank. The man in customer service said all of their telephone numbers begin with 800. I think this is some type of scammer. If you call the number back (I blocked my ID) you'll just get a ringing phone and lots of static. Fishy. Just to be safe NEVER give any banking or personal information to these people without calling your bank FIRST!
CLG 13th Jul, 2011+0
they call my cell i dont no how they got it unknown caller calls 3 or mroe times a day
Monzee 10th Jul, 2011+0
i do not like to get called from this company or whatever it it,
karissa 10th Jul, 2011+0
He just said hello and hung up. Weird.
autumn nonte 8th Jul, 2011+0
rec'd called at work (3) in a roll, very threatening said he would be sending his investigators to my place of work and have me arrested within 2 hours on a bill I'm not even familar with. Last I new about the law bad debt is not a criminal charge and you cannot be arrested. They sound foreign and can't speak english very well. I'm reporting them to the police etc
COBRA 4th Jul, 2011+0
this is the second time this has happened, someone asking for my husband, and when i say he's not in at the moment, and ask to take a message, they don't even have the courtesy to say who or why they are calling, they just hang up, this is on my cell phone, the billing is in my name, I don't feel we have to put up with these annoying tele markenting calls. These people need to go out and get real jobs, and actually do something with their lives, instead of getting paid to annoy innocent hard working people, and costing me money and minutes on my cell phone.
CID121 2nd Jul, 2011+0
keeps calling doesn't leave a message even after 9 o clock at night
matulita 2nd Jul, 2011+0
Tells me there is a caller on Messagebank & when I go to Messagebank there are no calls.
thutrang3107 2nd Jul, 2011+0
They call all the time....even after being asked not to call anymore. They called today@ 5:39pm an asked for Kerry. When I told them "He's not here." He maukled me and said in a stange annoying tone "No he's not!" and hung up on me. I called the number and it said "Google subscriber is not available. I am soooo tired of this and want this person fired!
M. Shore 1st Jul, 2011+0
they keep calling and calling, even though I scream into the phone to stop calling my number, dont know who they are or what they are trying to accomplish but its just plain annoying
Annoyed in PA 30th Jun, 2011+0
Said I took out a payday loan from Cash Net. USA for 300.00. Said the company wrote off the 300.00, but now want it back. Settle up or go to jail is what he told me.

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